Wednesday, December 26, 2018

Water Seed and Naming Blessings for the Vernal Equinox

We are Celebrating the Vernal Equinox!

Amen Par Ankh- (Sacred Temple of Life)

Nu, Peret, Anu Ankh

(Water, Seed and New Life)

Naming Celebration! 

Wednesday, March 20th 2019

We celebrate the beginning of Spring, the sprouting of plants, Blossoms, and new birth!

The Equinox is a solar event that denotes the beginning of spring in the Northern Hemisphere and autumn in the Southern Hemisphere. March Vernal or Spring equinox marks the moment when the sun crosses the celestial equator going from south to north. This Spring Equinox arrives.

Come Celebrate with Amen Par Ankh (Sacred Temple of Life)

At: The Bruce R. Watkins Amphitheater behind Freedom Fountain (Benton Blvd and Cleaver Blvd)

Water , Seed and Naming Blessings Ceremony 
 Living in connection with The Cosmos, our Planet and the Elemental Gifts of:

Ra (Sun) Nu (Waters) Shu (Air) Geb (Land) Peret (Seedlings), and Anu Ankh (New Life)!

Wednesday, March 20th from 11:00 a.m.

Kansas City, Mo. 

"In The Arms Of Our Mother 
We know we are Safe and Warm"

We will connect to the energy of Ankh(life)

The Vernal Equinox (First Day of Spring is March 20)

We will teach the history of our Ancient Ancestors and the powerful meaning of having a traditional name, speaking our languages and practicing our culture
  • We will share Make and Take activities
  • We will raise our Ankhs to Bless those who have counseled for their Destiny and New Names
  • We will Drum, Dance and Sing the cypher, chants, and Songs of connection with Nature and Humanity
  • We will plant and bless the Seeds of life

Please join with our Children and Elders
for our Kansas City Spring Ceremonies

Seeds will be planted in our paper seed pots.
 Our seeds, seedlings, Bulb and Tree blossoms, will carry our memories and link to life. 

Seeds are a link to 
Ausar's Mandate, the continuation of all gifts the Creator has given through 
Neteru(Elemental Powers), Aku(Principals), Sheps,(Ancestors), Peret(Seeds), and Anu(newly born)- to grow and be fruitful.

The power of Seeds represents the Power of Creation.
Our seeds will be planted in our gardens and their pollen will be carried by the wind, bees, and birds all over the world.

Free admission. 
( All Donations accepted)
 Bring drums, rattles, flutes Seeds, Food and Refreshments.... Bring chairs or blankets... Bring your Family and Friends

 To Schedule Your Appointments for Your Destiny and Naming consultations, 
Kandaki-Ma Nuta Beqsu (Adenike Amen-Ra), Director

The Equinox is when the hours in the day and the nights are equal. Our sunrise is earlier since the winter solstice, and nightfall comes later. The Sun is warming the earth. New life is beginning. Plants are sprouting. Trees are blossoming. Birds are returning, and Winds are softening. For us in the Northern Hemisphere, people are enjoying the warmer days of springtime. Meanwhile, south of the equator, Autumn begins. So the Winter Solstice in December paralleled and marked the Summer Solstice in the southern hemisphere. The sunlight will increase each day, until we reach the Summer Solstice for the Northern Hemisphere- which will mark the Longest Day of the year in the Northern Hemisphere, and the Shortest day of the year (Winter solstice), below the Equator.

Kandaki-Ma Nuta Beqsu (Adenike Amen-Ra)

I hope you have enjoyed our presentation. Amen Par Ankh is our Outreach ministry. Please support our initiatives...

(c) All rights reserved. No part of this Blog may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopy, recording, or any information storage and retrieval system, without prior permission in writing from the author; Nuta Beqsu Adenike AmenRa

We are available for Lectures, Panel Discussions, Conferences, and Workshops, along with an Af-Ra-Ka-N Centered curriculum for youth STEAM homeschooling, Workshops, and Itinerate Tutoring. 
We live in our ancient KMT Spiritual systems to serve our community in Libations, Griot Spoken Word Presentations, KMT Wedding, Naming and ReBirth, Personal consultations for Nia (Purpose), Health, Career and, Relationship, and Ascension officiant, Salutations and Blessings for new beginnings, (Home and Businesses blessings), Afrikan Storytelling. Amen Par Ankh is a Sacred Temple of Life- We are a KRST conscious Community. We Grow Food to restore balance in our relationship with the cosmos, earth, and our Natural communities by increasing awareness of Life, Health, and the Environment. We are a Maafia a "Healthy Place To Live" Amen Ankh Urban Farm’s Mission is to produce, promote, and perpetuate food, resources, and comfort and to grow local healthy Indigenous Foods in environmentally, respected, earth gentle ways. Call Us-816-281-7704 

The information on this website has been put together for general information, education, reference, Spirituality Current Events, and entertainment purposes only and is not intended to provide medical advice. This information has not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration and is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any specific condition. Ask your American Medical Doctor for professional advice before making radical changes in your diet and lifestyle.

Follow the links below to learn more about the vernal equinox.

Everything you need to know: Vernal equinox 2017