Sunday, December 25, 2016

The Science of Six Degrees of Separation

The theory of six degrees of separation contends that, because we are all linked by chains of acquaintance, you are just six introductions away from any other person on the planet

Thursday, June 16, 2016

I Am An Indigo Star My Crown is Precious

I AM An Indigo Star! My Crown Is Precious!

My SKIN and HAIR are my IDENTITY! 

Loving my natural hair and skin.

Black Nappy Hair is alive!
Black Coiled hair is sacred. 
Our melanin rich hair and skin are electromagnetic. 
Black hair is a living material and an extension of the body. Our Black nappy hair defies gravity! 
It's not just hair or skin... My Melanin skin is a carbon memory bank network. 
Our hair is part of a complex network which radiates auras and chakras and the healing powers of color and aromas. 

Applying meditation, Conscious breathing and Vital nutrient consumption in our diet as a way of life, is a path to reconnect to the natural kingdom of the planet and the cosmos. Our naturally coiled hair responds like an antenna or battery...  

To change its natural order by dyeing, straightening and cutting, changes or nullifies its original intent by the creator to blindside our dexterity and ability to maneuver in the Nature Eco environment. All of our senses respond on a higher dimension. So, we sense the environment differently with melanin richness. Much like an acidic diet and negative stress calcifies the pineal gland, Altered hair and skin is destructive and disruptive to our balance in maneuvering in a hostile environment.

And yes, although the above statement is very true... Wearing ones hair in natural braids, afros, and lox does not make a person “conscious.” Knowledge of self means not only knowing our great Afrakan* history. It is also, being sensitive and intentional to practice and live our own culture, diet, languages, worldview, and Spirituality, is what gives us distinct living existence, Cultural unity and empowerment. Only when we misunderstand and devalue our hair and skin, when we pollute and don’t take care to cherish and protect our body temple as a whole, that we diminish our natural power.

To cover the natural melanin rich coiled hair with an artificial weave and glue, is like covering our natural melanin skin with layers of plastic (nylon, acrylic, polyester, etc.,) in clothing, and sunblock. we are wearing an artificial reality of another person's energy.

To be conscious on the next level is to innerstand naturalness; but yes, there are many fake wannabes out there on both sides of the pendulum, who perpetrate black culture or who assimilate and deny black culture. To this day we still have those with "good hair" syndrome who covet for their children to have silky hair and light skin and to assimilate into the ways of an alien society, because we don't look for or see ourselves as powerful.

To wear our hair naturally in tight coils and lox, -how it grows from my scalp, is a healthy balanced foundation. 

Our Black hair should not be construed as a political statement or act of rebellion. 

Don't look at our hair, and draw false assumptions or imagine what I might be thinking. Let my appearance be a teachable moment.

Our hair is within a natural order that we are born with. If the order is disturbed it can interrupt our body's full potential.  

So many of our Beautiful Sistars have lost their natural hair due to unnatural manipulation. The base chemical in most hair bleaches and relaxers is lye and formaldehyde. Lye is a caustic substance, commonly used as drain cleaner. When you combine that with fat, you make soap. In many cases, baldness has occurred due to excessive use of chemicals leaching into and absorbed on the scalp. These chemicals are absorbed through the skin like a nicotine patch, actually destroying the living skin down to the scull and into the blood/brain barrier to the pineal gland. 

BLACK Love Matters

BLACK Love is loving and accepting ourselves

We need to pay more attention to our Black children's minds... 
Our youth are forced to process a sick and dying world of race supremacy.

Many of our youth are indoctrinated to identify with a western culture that models itself with European standards of beauty. this is colonization at it's worst. 

With self-knowledge in the midst of haters, bigots, racial profiling, prejudice, Ignorance, Classism, Racism, and/or others who might be your family members who feel self-hate.

 Yes, focus on black love... 
Love your black hair in spite of the fact that the world thinks its ugly, love your black skin... Our Black skin and coiled hair is a heritage to our Ancestors. 
I want all the Sistars and brothers, Queens and Kings to love themselves and each other.


I think the whole body, mind and soul matters,... In correct balance.Yes, We must focus on black love... 

Black Love Matters, Black Lives Matter, Black Money Matters! 

Love your black hair in spite of what the world thinks.  Love your black skin... I want all the Sistars and Brother Suns, Queens and Kings to love themselves. Respect their Ancestors, Elders and Know our Historic culture and civilizations.

Our Black Girls are our foundation. 
As you teach a girl you heal a nation.

Our whole body matters, mind, body and soul... 
We must live in balance correct 
With love comes dignity and self respect.

We are Ankh Wombs of creation. 
We are the first teachers.
When women are talking about something of great importance to them, listen. 

Live, Laugh and Leave a Legacy of Love! ---

Wednesday, June 1, 2016

A True Account of Sambo vs Uncle Tom


The Name Uncle Tom is synonymous to a person who has sold out their Ethnic Identity and had accepted their lot in life to be a sub-servient, impotent, docile slave. The character "Stephen" Played by Samuel L. Jackson from the movie "Django" is the epidemy of that depiction. The book: Uncle Tom's Cabin by Harriet Beecher Stowe, depicted UncleTom as a docile, matronly, sub servant, and agreeable, character. A trustee holding the key to the plantation under a cruel, paternal, white supremacist, colonizer society.

Stowe campaigned for the expansion of married Caucasian women's rights, arguing in 1869 that:
"The position of a married woman ... is, in many respects, precisely similar to that of the negro slave. She can make no contract and hold no property; whatever she inherits or earns becomes at that moment the property of her husband.... Though he acquired a fortune through her, or though she earned a fortune through her talents, he is the sole master of it, and she cannot draw a penny.... In the English common law a married woman is nothing at all. She passes out of legal existence."

Why would the name "Sambo," be demonized and used to create a negative character of any Indigo who was imprisoned on a plantation?Like the book character Uncle Tom, Sambo was still forced to be enslaved on a plantation. Yet, Sambo is also the name of an ancient African King. Sambo was also the name of the young African Prince who was abducted and held as a prisoner, of the Trans Atlantic war, by George Washington. Washington demanded the service of this young prince, and used his boat on the historical voyage on the Potomac River. Another Afrikan child who was also enslaved by Washington named Jacko, was requested by Washington to hold a lantern as a human lighthouse, and watch his horses and carriage, as he ventured the Potomac river. Washington returned from the Potomac voyage to find young prince Jacko frozen to death, still holding a lantern and the reigns of horses. He was inadequately dressed for the freezing cold... Washington memorialized him as an icon which was later misrepresented as a lawn jockey icon, known to this day... Sambo Anderson was set free in Washington's will but, he spent his entire life distracted by the enslavement of his wife and children, working to provide for them, instead of being able to live in freedom, dignity as an equal human being, and autonomy.

Another depiction of Sambo was written by a Scottish author, Helen Bannerman. The Story of Little Black Sambo, in 1899. "Zambo" is also the term of Indigenous Africans of the West Afrikan Foulah tribal Language, who were present in South America, and during the Portuguese Empire Periods. Our Black History is STILL Blacked out. Many books have not been translated into English, and so we are cut off and segmented from our history through colonialism, invasion, and outright book burning (Paper Genocide.) Indigo People would do well to learn to speak, read and write in other languages, besides English, at an early age- This is what I teach at Amen Ankh Akademy.

To Dr. Claud Anderson: Thank you for your dedication and mindfulness to create Books and Documentaries for entrepreneurial pursuit for Afrikan Americans. I have followed you for many years, and I have much respect for you.. Yet, we must be critical thinkers! We must be careful not to replace one miseducation with another false narrative... You are creating a legacy for our next generation and changing the hearts and minds of many of our people, who are asleep. We must challenge EVERYTHING that was written by caucasians... Who was Harriet Beecher Stowe? Where did Stowe get the names of her Characters? How was Stowe able to be empowered to even write and publish her books during a time of severe patriarchy and the struggle for women's rights, as well as the abolition of enslavement of Indigo people? Who was the audience that bought her books during that time? If her book was second in popularity to the Bible in its time, then this book was also a tool to proselytize Africans into European indoctrination African Cultural Genocide, and submission to European religious belief systems... Josiah Henson known as "Uncle Tom" was still a compliant, loyal house negro, who assimilated with European religions, and thereby caucasian beliefs and thought systems, against African Centered values. Uncle Tom was not a rebel who fought back against oppression. There are NO "Good or Bad" Africans within the paradigm of enslavement and imprisonment. To this day, our gifted and talented and our athletes are still groomed, seduced, and motivated to swing toward a Western caucasian value system and leave behind their own culture and families. so any financial gains return to the power structure of the Elite and by de-facto, Caucasian society.

Uncle Tom and Josiah Henson's exploits represents the "Noble Negro Slave complex" that was created as the model Negro that Caucasians could feel safe around. Slow, docile, cheerful, easy going, simple minded, and impotent. He is the ally of Afrika's enemies too, aiding, abetting, and justifying an alien culture, religion, their police, Politics, and environmental destruction.
Many Africans still suffer from What I call Ma'afa Syndrome: the complete identification and compliance with their assailant for the hope of favor and mercy. I emphasize Ma'afa syndrome over what is known as Stockholm Syndrome because Ma'afa Syndrome occurred hundreds of years before Stockholm and Helsinki Syndrome. So now you compare a house negro with an antagonist and snitch, yet they are both still trapped on a colonizer plantation... So, Uncle Tom is not my role model. Harriot Tubman, Denmark Vesey, Marcus Garvey, Malik El Shabazz and Assata Shakur are my role models...

So, the Challenge is the dichotomy of living in a brutal, competitive, capitalistic society, vs. a Black autonomist society. An Assimilationist, who lives to fit into an alien fake fiat hierarchy construct as a neutra-noid bisexual identity- or revolutionaries, families of Fathers, Teachers, Doctors, Farmers, etc., who chose to love, Live with, and build their own world with their own Land, resources, cultural values and humanity. We lost our Black Wallstreets because of Integration into a society who would only regard Indigo people as second class citizens.

So, you have a house Negro and a field Negro- I'm a Free KRST!

Monday, March 21, 2016

Hapi Nefera Khepri! The celebration of the Equinox and East Star

HAPI NEFERA KHEPRI! Celebration of the Equinox and East Star

Our way of life has passed down throughout the ages of time, from generation to generation. 
This Sciences and metaphysics was taught through parables, and analogies...

Their are hundred of Stories of the Mother and Sun icon, that has been told and retold through the ages to venerate the exceptional relationship of mother and child (Sun), to the highest honor and virtue of the crown of life.

The Sun (Heru) is swallowed by Nut at sunset, as it flashes a bright red, first strike to his uncle set. Heru fights the battle for the rising sun throughout the night, assisted by his mother Auset, as she directs the moon reflections... Nut gives birth to Ausar, again in the rising of the morning.

The Khepera Beetle is a solar/stellar symbol of The Sun. The Amen Ankh Akademy uses the Khepera Beetle as It's emblem to exemplify diligence, Ingenuity, Industry, in connection with the cosmos. 

The Khepra beetle is renown by the ancients for laying her eggs in dung and rolling it underground. The hatch-lings feed on the nutrients of the warm cow dung and arise from the earth- "reborn!" or resurrected. The scarab beetle (KhepeRa) rolls balls of dung across the ground. An act that the KMT (Egyptians) saw as a symbol of the forces that move the sun across the sky. The dung is heated inside due to the composting process of the microbes in the dung- Khepri was thus a solar Icon. Young dung beetles, having been laid as eggs within the dung ball, eat the nutrients and transform as larvae, then to emerge from the ground, fully formed. Therefore, Khepri also represented Creation Life, Death, Burial, and rebirth, and she was specifically connected with the rising sun and the mythical creation of the world. The Egyptians connected her name with the Egyptian language verb kheper, meaning "develop" or "come into being". Kheper, or (Xeper) is a transcription of an ancient Egyptian word meaning to come into being, to change, to occur, to happen, to exist, to bring about, to create, etc. 


All purchases are donations to Amen Ankh Akademy. Amen Ankh means "sacred life" We venerate all living things from creation. We spell Akademy with a "k" to acknowledge our sacred life force of "Ka" from our ancient Ancestry. We are an ACE (Afrikan Conscious Education) Home-school Network, bridging the gap against the School to Prison Pipeline. We teach STEAM (Science Technology Engineering Industrial Arts Mathematics) through a virtual home school network and Afrikan Conscious Education Curriculum that will ready our children Pre-K-8 Accelerated course of study; and Adult Communiversity. We are a Maafia a "Healthy Place To Live" Amen Ankh Urban Farms Mission is to produce, promote, and perpetuate food, resources and comfort and to grow local healthy Indigenous Foods in environmentally, respected, earth gentle ways. Call Us-816-839-7945

Amen Par Ankh (sacred temple of life) and Amen Ankh Academy; is a local home school network, and Urban Farm nestled around a Spiritual Outreach Ministry and an Education Center in the heart of midtown Kansas City, Missouri. Contact our Minister and Director: Kandaki Ma Nuta Beqsu Moses aka Adenike AmenRa El and become a member of our Gnome Maafia- as We Celebrate the Cycles of Life! Email:, and Call: 816-839-7945 to sign-up for courses and support: PAYPAL: , information: ,also Look for us on Twitter and LinkedIn. We acknowledge our Great Ancient Ancestral history and heritage of First People Spiritual Ways. We provide an Online Homeschool Curriculum network and After school STEMM (science technology, mathematics and medicine) careers with hands on Agriculture Experiences. –You GROWW Girls and Youth Going Green Economic Literacy study group. We Respect Mother Earth and acknowledge the natural sciences and ecology with recycling. We provide Ancestor Libation Ceremonies, KMT Readings for Destiny, Health, Career and Relationship Consultations using the Ausar Auset Method, We perform Home Blessings, African Naming, KMT Ordained Weddings and Wedding planning, We celebrate and observe the Equinox and Solstice events, where we celebrate and show our respect for the wonder of nature with Cultural Ceremonies, Song, music, dance, Workshops and special events. We Grow and make Org-Ankh Electric foods, Gifts, and Accessories. We provide an Online Radio Call-in show for Outreach ministry: Amen Communications Newborn Blessings, Home and Business Spiritual Cleansing and Blessings, Ancient Funeral rites and Ascension ceremonies, Par Ankh Reading Room, Herbal Teas and Juice bar, Nature walks and Outdoor camping Experiences, classes such as Spiritual Jewelry making, Sewing and other hand crafts, Henna Healing designs, of Head wrapping arts, Making Natural Hair oils, beading and Lox twisting, Cosmetics, and Herbal products. Also Envisioning, Dream Catchers, Vision Boards, Art Healing Mandalas, Spiritual Jewelry Making, Gentle Yoga, Canning and preserving food, We assist in Wellness for Body Mind and Spirit for Spiritual Attunement - to realize the fullest capacities of life, health, prosperity and strength. We provide an active space for expressions of our original wisdom ways of life. Ceremony, Counseling, Coaching, Cleansings and Classes The information on this Blogsite has been put together for general information, education, reference, Spirituality Current Events and entertainment purposes only and is not intended to provide medical advice. This information has not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration, and is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any specific condition. Ask your doctor for his professional advice before making radical changes in your diet and lifestyle. Amen Ankh Urban Farm is an urban agricultural enterprise with the goal of achieving environmental justice and sustainability by Healthy local food production and improving local neighborhood access to healthy Foods. We are growing orchards and constructing Aquaponic Systems of farm raised fish, Herbs and microgreens. We also provide Farm-a-See tours of successful Local Farmers with the “Green Griot”. We grow selected local “Org-Ankh” electric indigenous Herbs, Fruits, Vegetable and plant life of the Three Sisters: (Corn, Beans, and Squash/Melons) and cruciferous vegetables: Cabbage, and Kale, With Wheat Grass and other Sprouts, Herbs: Basil, Sage, Chives, Rosemary, Parsley, Peppers, with Moringa nutritional drink supplements, -From our Fresh produce we create canned and Baked Goods, teas, cosmetics, and liniments to provide Healing through the inspiration of Kujichagulia (Self-determination) for everyone. Feel free or Contact the Director: Queenma Nuta Beqsu Moses aka Adenike Amen-Ra Please like our facebook pages: , , , Dua (Th-ankh you!) ♥.