Monday, December 17, 2012

STE-A-M of KMT and Nicola Tesla


KMT known as Khemet- and later referred to as Egypt is world famous for the pyramids found all over East Afrika. They are the most mysterious structures on planet Earth.

The western world does not acknowledge who, when, or how they were built and most importantly why they were built.

The Great Pyramid of Khufu weighs nearly six million tons and consists of 2.3 million stones that are cut and fit together with laser precision. Many of these massive stones which weigh as much as 80 tons are thought to have been transported from vast areas.

For thousands of years, the pyramids of Khufu have stood as the tallest manmade structure in the world. There must have been a good reason to go to all this trouble to construct such a wonderful monument. We now know that it certainly was not a tomb!

Nikola Tesla who is considered one of the greatest inventors of the Western world had a particular infatuation with the pyramids He believed they served a higher purpose and throughout his career, he attempted to unravel their mystery. His ideas had been dismissed and forgotten over the last century but considering that Tesla is directly responsible for 80% of the technology we use today, Perhaps we should view his theories with a more open mind.

Ancient civilizations 

In 1905 physics genius Nikola Tesla submitted his US patent 78741 - which was titled the art of transmitting electrical energy through the natural medium. It included designs for a series of worldwide generators.

Tesla realized that the ionosphere was sparkling with electrical energy which could easily be tapped. Planet Earth according to Tesla was a gigantic electrical Generator spinning around two magnetic poles from which limitless energy can be harnessed using the right medium or shape his device was later referred to as Tesla's Electromagnetic pyramid based on his design looking like a triangle shape. 

Pyramid shapes exhibit fractal energy much more efficiently than other types of designs. Tesla realized that not only the shape but the location of the pyramids created the power. He built his facility in Colorado Springs and on the east coast. He did so according to the laws of where the Pyramids at Giza were constructed and it also had to do with the elliptical orbit of the earth and it's relationship to the actual equator that there was an actual construction some how taking place between those very specific sites and the overall energy field of the earth. Because of these factors, he believed he could transmit power wirelessly. Tesla's discovery and device disappeared after his death in 1943. 

But what he was trying to tap into might have just scratched the surface of understanding the power of something much more ancient. According to Nikola Tesla 3-6-9 is a key to the universe. Tesla became so obsessed with 369, that he would drive or walk around a building three times before going inside of it. He cleaned his plates with 18 napkins and only stayed in hotel rooms with the numbers divisible by 3. 

He made calculations about things in their immediate environment just to make sure the result was conceivable by three and he based his choices on those results. He did everything in sets of three.

 We must understand that humans did not create mathematics, we discovered them. It is the universal language and law no matter where in the universe you are. One plus two will always equal three Everything in the universe obeys this law These forms are in nature, but the ancients emulated these forms in construction. 

If Nikola Tesla's obsession was with these numbers, could it be possible that ancient humans created monuments like the great pyramids to remind us of these truths? 

Sumerian tradition and in the surviving texts, there is a very strong and intriguing reference to what are called the Seven Antediluvian Sages the seven sages and their leader is a figure called Hannes. We find that he is depicted as a man, but curiously he's wearing a sort of fish costume. 

Archaeologists often refer to him as a fish God and the other seven sages are also these fish men. So you see the legs of a human being and the face and features a bearded human being but then he's wearing The head of a fish and the body of a fish hangs down his back. It's a very is a very curious idea. He and all of them hold in their hands a curious little bag Which I tend to refer to as a man bag. I see them as a kind of badge or symbol over a Recognizable symbol where perhaps members of a Brotherhood would be able to recognize one another. By carrying this symbol, it's curious that we see the figure holding the same bag that we see on the Sumerian Reliefs and holding it in exactly the same way, and not only that but those same bags Turn up on top of pillar 43 in enclosure D at Gobekli tepe Where we know that there are at least eleven thousand six hundred years old. The tradition is clearly rooted. 

Offering the gifts of civilization to mankind. Could Hannes and his sages come to teach the knowledge of the universe? In Sumerian cuneiform, Zenki is sometimes depicted as a bearded man wearing a fish costume and sometimes carrying a bag.

The Khemetian depictions of Deities are not holding a bag but an important symbol called the Ankh. The ankh depicts Creation, Life, birth, and immortality. It is also connected with Auset (Isis). The re-emergence of Enki and Bes, the Black Twa Man are also a curious connection. The building of the Great Pyramid is believed to be created to reincarnate Ausar (Osiris). 

Though Syrian the so-called aquatic temple dedicated to Ausar in Abydos is the first city.  

Why would he have made such a temple with aquatic features?

Because Ausar is also Enki. They're the same person who is thought to have had amphibian genes. Ausar/ Enki was killed by his nemesis/brother Set, who sealed him in a tomb and threw the tomb into the Nile. The coffin was snared within the roots of a Baobab tree. This place is said to be in Abydos 

This also corresponds to the Sumerian OPSEU where Ausar/Enki has his aquatic temple.

The texts clearly state that all of Ausar's servants were slaughtered during a battle with the 72 Traitors of Set, along with Ausar. 

Ausar's consort, Auset is quite a character in Mesopotamian literature. She is considered the goddess Nin-t She is the woman who lives in the great deep underground. These underground passageways could also correspond to the ones we can find under the Giza Plateau. 

We know that the Giza Plateau is full of underground passages. I believe that the clan of Ausar lived there.

Auset may have ordered the creation of the Great Pyramid in order to accomplish the first Immaculate conception of Heru. 

The Great Pyramid allowed Auset to find the soul of Ausar. We don't really know how but she would have put Heru's genetic code in the pyramid

And thanks to the coding of the Great Pyramid. She reached the soul of Ausar so it could come into the new body of Horus.

Although the dating of the Great Pyramid has been argued by different scientists

There is evidence that below the monument something existed there. Something that was much older.

The core of those pyramids particularly the Great Pyramid and the second pyramid goes back to a much earlier period. 

The Great Pyramid is actually built on what would be called a sacred mound and this is acknowledged even by Egyptologists.

The original portions for instance of descending passage to the subterranean chamber go back to a much earlier time period than when it was built over. Some of the older building goes back prior to dynastic times. Could this be proof of the clan of Ausar and their knowledge is even more profound?

Some experts point to the fact that the Great Pyramid itself has always been connected to the afterlife What you'll find inside those pyramids are acres of texts deeply inscribed into the walls They belong to the same vast body of literature to which belongs the famous ancient Egyptian Book of the Dead. 

The Judgment Hall of Ausar where one will be asked to account for everything they've done with their life. So it seems to me very clear that the Great Pyramid is part of an attempt to create a three-dimensional model of the afterlife realm. 

If the ancient texts from both Sumerian cuneiform and Egyptian books suggest the Great Pyramid as a place to resurrect the dead. 

There is an ancient code to be found within the Great Pyramid. It's within the Geometry not just of the pyramid itself. But it is also in relationship to the other two main pyramids of the Giza Plateau and the underground caverns.  It seems that the Great Pyramid is related very much to electromagnetic energy collection, generation, vibration, sound, and music. The primal tones of the universe itself and their relationship to the creation of form and structure in the physical world and That to somehow attune and enhance this connection that certain proportions have to be constructed into the design of the pyramid and also the geometry of the landscape itself and these think to reflect the musical intervals in particular

Those which are known as the perfect fourth

Pyramid in Latin means Fire in the middle

Tesla's Warner clift tower was built above an aquifer, for the purpose of generating energy. 

Which has a ratio of 4:3 and those known as the perfect fifth as a ratio of 3 to 2 One of which is an inverse form of the other. If the Great Pyramid is indeed a construction to harmonize creation,  there must be a code to such a great power?

The Great Pyramid has a very slight concavity on each side making it an eight-sided construct. 

Defining the constant of the golden ratio, we have now strange numbers like Euler's number coming up in the design. Could this geometry produce a message? The Great Pyramid is situated within a hair of latitude 30 it seems like that the latitude choice was derived from Astronomy. Because there's a lens effect of the atmosphere of the earth.

The Great Pyramid is one-third of the way between the equator and the North Pole. This is just one of the many ways in which the Great Pyramid design, deliberately and purposively speaks to our planet.

There is an error in the Great Pyramid. It's three sixtieths of a single degree of true north. 481 feet high, it has a footprint of 13 acres. It weighs, Six million tons, it consists of two and a half million individual blocks of stone. You're taking that whole gigantic mountain of stone and you are aligning it within just 360th of a single degree of true north. We're not talking about magnetic north which varies we're talking about astronomical north the true north of this planet!

Could the pyramid be revealing something else about our planet? 

Start measuring the Great Pyramid measure it very precisely measure its base perimeter and then measure its height and Scale those numbers up. Forty-three thousand two hundred. 43,200

The dimensions of the pyramid give you the dimensions of this planet.  In other words, if you measure the base perimeter of the Great Pyramid and multiply it by forty-three thousand two hundred you get the equatorial circumference of the earth

And if you measure the height of the Great Pyramid and multiply it by 43,200 You get the polar radius of the earth

So in all those centuries of millennia when the West went through the "dark ages" and didn't even know that They were living on a planet with Afrikan scholars who knew these dimensions of the planet. All they ever had to do Was go accurately measure the Great Pyramid and multiply those numbers by forty-three thousand two hundred and they have the dimensions of our planet.

Ancient places like the Great Pyramid are here to always show us our place in the stars Egyptologists are aware of this but they say it's a total coincidence 

42,000 even they could be right

The scale is defined by a key motion of the earth itself

Our earth as well as spinning on its own axis has a wobble on its axis that's called precession

Rather the effect that you get have you set a spinning top spinning

As it begins to slow down it begins to wobble and the top of the top begins to transcribe a circle

the earth does that If you take the extended North Pole of the earth and extend it out into the heavens

You'll find that today in our time. It's pointing at a star we called Polaris. That's the Earth's pole star. But it hasn't always pointed at Polaris and it won't always point at Polaris in the future. Sometimes it'll point at empty space. Sometimes it pointed and will point at other stars. There was a time when Subhan in Draco was the pole star. That's because of the processional wobble on the Earth's axis, the extended North Pole of the earth isn't always pointing at the same place over a cycle of 25,920 years and that's why the pole star changes at the same time on the horizon and We know that ancient cultures had a great interest in particular moments of the year, particularly the equinoxes. 

When night and day are of equal length, It was an obsession of ancient cultures. What was the constellation that lay in the place on the horizon Where the Sun rose on the spring equinox, what was the constellation that housed the Sun? This is familiar language in astrology. Was the constellation that housed the Sun on the spring equinox in our epoch. It's the constellation of Pisces. We live in the Age of Pisces near the end of it as a matter of fact, going into the Age of Aquarious. It's not an accident that the early Christians Used the fish as their symbol because Christianity began very near the beginning of the Age of Pisces.  Each one of these zodiacal ages lasts for 2160 years and then the Sun transits out then the equinoxes transit out of one constellation and into another. So we do live in the dawning of the Age of Aquarius. 

Because of the processional motion of the earth this wobble on the Earth's axis, the constellation that houses the Sun on the equinoxes shifting out of Pisces and into Aquarius that shift will be complete within the next hundred or 150 years. what we have here is a process that operates at the rate of one degree every 72 years We allocate 30 degrees to each of the 12 constellations of the zodiac Multiplied 72 by 30 and you get 2,000 160. That's as a rhetorical age. 

Take the whole cycle of the zodiac the whole twelve constellations each with two thousand one hundred and sixty years


Housing the Sun on the spring equinox and you get what the ancients called the great year


when everything cycles back to the beginning and the whole process starts again, do you follow


That's twenty-five thousand nine hundred and twenty years


It's the heartbeat is one degree every 72 years


It is defined by a key motion of our planet that number


Forty-three thousand two hundred is a multiple of seventy-two


It's directly related to that number




It's not as though we're confined to Giza and the Great Pyramid. Those numbers are found all over the world


They're found in ancient mythology


Osiris after all was killed by Seth and his 72


Conspirators the number occurs in the ancient Egyptian texts, it occurs in the number of syllables in the Rig Veda


In in India, it occurs in North myth Norse mythology. It's found it's found all around the world


There's an intense focus on this system of numbers


So it can't be an accident


That the same system of numbers crops up in the Great Pyramid and that not only does the Great Pyramid


Give us the dimensions of the earth, but that it does so on a scale defined by the earth itself


That's an incredibly clever piece of work that we're looking at there


Could the ancient builders have given us a monument to decode our human existence?


Interestingly enough. The numbers Tesla was obsessed with show up in the equations of the Great Pyramid


The numbers Graham has concluded from his research on the pyramid are




25,920 and

2160 and all of those numbers either equal 3 6 or 9


Then let's give you one more example


Let's track east from Giza. Let's go off to Cambodia to Angkor in Cambodia an


amazing sight again


Very much devoted to the investigation of the mystery of death


The very word Angkor actually has a meaning in the ancient Egyptian language. It means life to Heru and it turns out that Angkor with its pyramidal monuments and Cora lies exactly 72 degrees of longitude east of Giza. I do not believe that that is an accident or a coincidence

I think there's a deep and ancient connection and what we're looking at in Angkor because that site was continuously used by many later cultures both Hindu and Buddhist. What we're looking at in Angkor is the latest incarnation of a much more ancient site that just like Giza goes back into remote prehistory

Could these precise calculations be spread across the globe and communicating a code?


Is it possible this is what Nikola Tesla tapped into


Robert Bauval predicts this is the language of the future


The way we read the universe is through mathematics and through its geometry through its mathematics and geometry. We need to know


Slowly through our evolution. We begin to work out how triangles work circles ellipses


Various shapes and now work out. The numbers have the produce numbers. So having said this


the language that


We as human beings will be communicating sounds a bit


It sounds a bit too science fiction, but I don't think we'd be talking English or Chinese in the next three centuries


Already, we're using a different language using computers. I


think we'll be talking about the Mattocks in the sense that to get a pure idea out to get a


Pure thought out and to structure it so that you understand exactly


What I'm talking about the shape the size that I mentioned the weights the speed


I'll have to number it and have to put mathematics. The Great Pyramid is speaking the language. It's transmitting that language


It's a silent language. If you like that needs to be read. We don't need a geologist. We don't need experts in hieroglyphs


It doesn't have high rollers. We need mathematicians. We're mathematicians to read it


And that's one of the goals is to tempt them to get into this


We've moved in a direction when we rely on external


External knowledge. We seem to think that the answer is out there and we look for it


Well, the answer may be inside us. I've truly believe this and therefore we need to re


reach ange that how we


See ourselves and how we educate ourselves. I think what's interesting now is that


This science is beginning to sort of touch the frontiers of what you would call in general turn spirituality


We begin to realize that the universe is mental


It is a mental universe and we need to think in different forms. Not just purely


classical science


If indeed the purpose of the Great Pyramid was to educate humans on our place in time and space


Could it also be a device to help change our consciousness? I?


Have for a long while argued that the central concept of


Certainly the pyramids of Egypt at night


I think the case is true all over the world was to do with the transformation of human consciousness


Whatever else the Great Pyramid is the Great Pyramid of Giza in Egypt or whatever else it is


It is for sure an instrument that works upon human consciousness


Could the Great Pyramid be a monument that was built to withstand all catastrophes


So that humanity could always have the codes to the universe


Standing near the pyramid is another monument that has baffled experts for ages


In the 1990s when I first started studying the Sphinx I learned that this structure is at least 10,000 BC

We hope you enjoyed this insightful presentation on ancient civilizations

Sunday, November 25, 2012

Afrikan Family Celebration- UMOJA KARAMU

Umoja Karamu has been celebrated annually every November on the fourth Sunday of the Month. The celebration was created in 1971 by Dr. Edward Simms Jr., to instill new meaning and solidarity into the Black family through ceremony and symbolism. Umoja Karamu means "unity feast" in the African language Swahili, and is spoken by the Bantu people. The feast is based on five colors and their meanings, which represent five historical periods in African American history. Its observances can include prayer; a libation poured to honor ancestors, historical readings, and the passing and sharing of foods in the five colors. Learn more about how Umoja Karamu is celebrated at Amen Ankh Akademy

Umoja Karamu, meaning "unity feast" in Swahili, is a Pan African-American tradition, Celebrated in a manner of our Cultural Afrikan Harvest Festivals, Umoja Karamu's purpose is to instill Unity and solidarity, Family values, and appreciation of Pan-Afrikan-American heritage into Pan-Afrikan American families.  libations to honor ancestors, Saluting the Afrikan American flag, historical readings, Sharing symbolic foods, Cultural Arts, An Ancestral Shrine, and colors, and a healthy feast mark observances.

The celebration is based on five periods of African-American life, each represented by a color.

  1. Pre Colonial Global Afrikan Presence - the color black represents Afrikan families before the trans Atlantic Wars and Colonialism 
  2. Colonial Enslavement - the color white, symbolizes the striping and scattering of black families and culture during Colonial Chattel Enslavement 
  3.  Emancipation - the color red, marks black liberation and Civil War from enslavement 
  4. Struggle for Liberation - the color green, significances the struggle for civil rights and equality
  5. Hope for our Future Bright- the color gold, points celebrants to hope for the future and passing the baton of legacy to our youth.

Umoja Karamu (pronounced Oo-mo-jah Ca-ra-moo) are Kiswahili words that mean “unity feast.” It is a ceremony of unity that highlights events and periods that have shaped the African Diaspora of families.

Like Kwanzaa, a popular holiday celebrated after Christmas by African American families in the United States, Umoja Karamu is becoming an alternative holiday for African American families who want to distance themselves from the European Holidays like Thanksgiving, that represents the US and global Colonization and Disenfranchisement of Indigenous people.

Umoja Karamu is a ritual for the Black family, that was developed to create new meaning and solidarity through ceremony and symbolism. Now African Americans have an alternative to celebrate family, that represents their own heritage.

Umoja Karamu was inaugurated as a holiday in 1971 and was founded by Brother Edwards Sims, Jr. When it was first introduced, it was only celebrated in Philadelphia and in Washington, D.C. Our traditional roots were violently separated, repressed, and often forgotten during a process called Colonialism.”

Like Thanksgiving, Umoja Karamu also emphasizes family gatherings and feasts, but it also features unique ceremonies. Specific foods and colors on the table are used symbolically to represent meaningful historical periods and elements in the African American experience for the family’s hope for the future.

In the Umoja Karamu tradition, the feast is presided over by the head of the household, Elders, or community Leaders. The 5 Ceremonial foods are placed on a Shrine to represent the Ancestors, which is covered with African fabric. In a special purification rite, a Libation is poured over a plant or tree to invite the Ancestars.
The Ceremonial Foods are: 
Black: Black Beans or Black Eye Peas
White: Brown Rice or Popcorn
Green: Fresh green Vegetables
Red:.   Cranberry Juice
Yellow: Corn, yellow squash 

Extended family members participate directly in Umoja by bringing prepared foods to the ceremony. Candlelight and incense provide ambiance and contribute to an atmosphere of calmness and reflection. Children participate by reading narratives commemorating each historical period while the 5 Ceremonial foods representing the era is passed around. After each narrative, the food is tasted by everyone, like an hors d’oeuvre.  This process is repeated for each era. A benediction is given by the oldest person or elder that marks the end of the rite and signals the beginning of the feast itself.

Different families have their own ways of personalizing the holiday. Drums are sometimes played in the background to set the mood. A storyteller may also perform the narratives. Families have gotten creative when celebrating Umoja Karamu. Powerpoint presentations show pictures of the 5 periods. Some will play the music of Afrikan and American culture, while others might learn a traditional dance.

Umoja Karamu is a way for African American families to celebrate their common history, ethnic experiences, and cultural heritage while tailoring this unique holiday to fit your family’s personality. Traditions that were once stolen can be recreated to strengthen family unity.

Thanksgiving is the American holiday of choice for many but more families are moving away from holidays that resulted in massacres of indigenous people and are seeking a cultural alternative. If you are questioning your support of Thanksgiving, Umoja Karamu might be the perfect celebration for your family.

Amen Ankh AKademy has presented the Umoja Karamu for more than a decade in Kansas City, Missouri.

Our Local Celebration features African American Historical Presentations Edutainment, Libations, Historical Photos- PowerPoint display, Historical Narratives, A shrine for Ancestors, Acknowledgment of our Local Ancestors and their Achievements, Music, and an abundant Homemade Feast: Including Food and Donations from the community…

Thursday, October 4, 2012




Monday, September 10, 2012

MA The Original Mother Of Universe

MA NU and NUT are the original heka(sounds of power) for the Universe and GOD on the planet. Ma is the Great Indigo Queen Mother Goddess who originated in East Africa at the source of the Nile river.

Her icons for the universe can be found across the planet.

 INDIGO (BLACK) WOMEN are the first population of the planet! 
Our Aku/Ancestors originated in Afrika, then grew in population and expanded over waves and aeons of time, to establish civilizations throughout the planet. 
"IN- the beginning God, created the Heavens and the Earth!" 
IN was another ancient name for Mother God, INKI was her "only begotten Sun/son."






The Black Mother IS GOD! 

OUR ANCESTORS WERE THE TWA KHOISAN- MA - IS also represented as the Twa mother  She travelled all over the planet to establish civilizations and raise the pyramids of the 14 pieces of Asr(Ausar). Every society was given an example of Nut/Ma/Ast(Auset) the Queen mother- and her only begotten sun Ra/Heru. The Patriarchs are the rebellious sons who lifted up the icon of Sun over Ma the Universe.  Nut/Ma/Ast who is the youniverse. They changed the icon of GOD from the Ma, the Matriarchal Ankh/Womb to the Patriarchal, lightened skin, and misogynist Icon of Jesus, a Caucasian on a Cross/Phallus. This icon appeals to the great white hopes of imperialist invader Yurugus...  and promote Maafa Syndrome (Capture Bonding) with Colonist/Imperialist.
Our first people were Indigo Women, who possessed the ability to procreate autonomously.
Over time the Female and Male sexes became distinguished. Men are the sons of Mother Gods... 
We must break the spell of lies that there are races and that there are indigenous people that "Sprang-Up" in the Americas. Race is a political construct to conquer and control all people of color and subject them to the domination of Yurugu Caucasoid invader of our natural world... 

Ma is the original Icon found all over the planet. Her Icon has been found in the funerary item all over the planet.

Bes (also spelled as Bisu) was a Black Twa/ Nubian/Kemetic(Egyptian) deity/Icon, celebrated in history and found throughout the planet. This icon is an example of the presence of Black peoples, all over the diaspora of the planet.  Bes is known as a protector of the households. She/He was always present around mothers and children. Over time she was regarded as the protector and defender of all that is good and the enemy to all that is bad. It is theorized that the icon Bes came from the Great Lakes Region of Africa, coming from the Twa people in Congo or Rwanda. The ancient Twa/ Khoisan were small people about the same height as the depictions of Bes.
Taweret is also an ancient Icon that was found in archaeological digs at funerary tombs.


The African presence can be found all over the planet


"While past studies identified Bes as a Middle Kingdom import from Nubia, some more recent research believes him to be an Egyptian native. Mentions of Bes can be traced to the southern lands of the Old Kingdom; however his cult did not become widespread until well into the New Kingdom.

Her name appears to be connected to a Nubian word for "
cat" (besa) which literally means "cat", and indeed, her first appearances have the suggestion of a cat god. She is also known as a humorous dwarf god that brings good luck and happiness to homes. Modern scholars such as James Romano demonstrated that in its earliest inceptions, Bes was a representation of a lion rearing up on its hind legs. After the Third Intermediate Period, Bes is often seen as just the head or the face, often worn as amulets." Dawn Prince-Hughes lists Bes as fitting with other archetypal long-haired Bigfoot-like figures from ancient Northern Africa, "a squat, bandy-legged figure depicted with fur about his body, a prominent brow, and short, pug nose."

Another theory born out by Bes's role in both the protection of children and women in labour is the theory that Bes is the figure of a miscarried fetus"

Images of this deity were often kept in homes and was depicted quite differently from the other gods. Normally Egyptian gods were shown in profile, but instead Bes appeared in portrait, ithyphallic, and sometimes in a soldier's tunic, so as to appear ready to launch an attack on any approaching evil.

Bes was a household protector, throughout ancient Egyptian history becoming responsible for such varied tasks as killing snakes, fighting off evil spirits, watching after children, and aiding (by fighting off evil spirits) women in labour (and thus present with Taweret at births).

Since she drove off evil, Bes also came to symbolize the good things in life - music, dance, and sexual pleasure. Later, in the Ptolemaic period of Egyptian history, chambers were constructed, painted with images of Bes and his wife Beset, thought by Egyptologists to have been for the purpose of curing fertility problems or general healing rituals.

Many instances of Bes masks and costumes from the New Kingdom and later have been uncovered. These show considerable wear, thought to be too great for occasional use at festivals, and are therefore thought to have been used by professional performers, or given out for rent.

Like many Egyptian gods, the worship of Bes was exported overseas, and she, in particular, proved popular with the Phoenicians and the ancient Cypriots.

The cult of Saint Bessus in northern Italy may represent the Christianization of the cult associated with Bes; St. Bessus was also invoked for fertility, and Bessus and Bes are both associated with an ostrich feather in their iconography."

The source of this article is
wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. The text of this article is licensed under the GFDL.

So the Elves, the Gnomes, and leprechauns, are present day representations of this Twa Icon/deity symbol. The essence and qualities that we find in the Domestic cat and Lion are representatives of the protecting energies found in Bes.
I noticed the similarities of names of Bes and Basil. Our Ancestors have often hidden our knowledge in children's stories and characters to engage our memories to hold onto and "Re-Member" wisdom. The similarities in the spiritual properties found in the old knowledge of herbs and their medicinal and healing applications were often the only remedies for people with no access to doctors or hospitals. These characters represent our mother wisdom that was passed down from generation to generation. 

 Bes (pron.: /bÉ›s/; also spelled as Bisu) is an Kemetic (Ancient "Egyptian") Icon, symbolized as a protector of households, and in particular, of mothers and children and childbirth. Bes later came to be regarded as the defender of everything good and the enemy of all that is bad. While past studies identified Bes as a Middle Kingdom import from Nubia, more recent research indicates that he was present in Egypt since the start of Old Kingdom. Mentions of Bes can be traced to pre-dynastic Nile Valley cultures; however his form appears to be found all over the world.
Bes is the spiritual protector, promoter and healer of the home and family. He/She encourages fertility and watches over and teaches parents and children in their growth and development. Bes holds all of the wisdom and knowledge of the earth. She knows the cycles of time and the seasons. She knows the healing properties of all herbs. She is familiar with the gardens, forests, animals, insects, lakes, rivers, mountains and caves. She knows the prayers, chants, lyrics, limericks, lullabies, the bedtime stories, dances, mathematics, letters, formulas, recipes and words of power. He symbolizes the Shaman healer of the Nome or Klan. He is chemistry and physics. She represents the Sage, guardian and spiritual intuitive energy to ward off hostile energy from your family, life, home, office or wherever it is present. Bes controls The weather, the rain and the wind, the earthquakes and volcanic eruptions. Bes is Majic. He loves gold and can draw wealth and prosperity to the home. You can find this symbolic image of Bes all over the world. The earliest images of Elves, Trolls, Leprechauns, Fairies and Gnomes from all over the world were Black. The people are all characteristic and symbolic of our ancient Ancestors -the Twa and Khoisan (also known as "Pigmy") Mother and Father, with their history and wisdom of nature and the universe.
Here is an excerpt of a great find of manuscript below:
On the extreme right of the façade: A Pygmy in the court of Egypt.

Pepy II's letter to Herkuf

A fourth, unnarrated, campaign to the land of Yam must have taken place, during which Harkhuf sent a letter to the young king Pepi II to inform him, particularly, that he was bringing back a pygmy, which resulted in the rest of the inscription. In fact, Pepi II wrote a letter in reply to that of Harkhuf, who was so proud of it that he had the text inscribed on the façade of his tomb in Aswan. Since little space remained, he had to prepare a space for it at the extreme right of the façade. Thus, the only complete royal letter dating from the old Kingdom has reached us.:

“ Seal of the king Himself. Second year of His reign, third month of the season akhet, fifteenth day. Royal decree (to) the Sole Companion, Lector-Priest, chief of interpreters, Harkhuf.

I have acquainted myself with the words of your letter, which you addressed to the king in the palace to inform him that you travelled in peace to the land of Yam, with the army, which accompanied you. You said in your letter that you were bringing back all sorts of presents, important and beautiful, which Hathor, lady of Imaou, gave for the ka of the king of Upper and Lower Egypt, Neferkare- may he live eternally and forever! You also say in your letter that you will bring back a pygmy (for) the dances of the God and coming from the land of the inhabitants of the horizon and similar to the pygmy which the treasurer of the God, Bawerded brought back from Punt in the time of the king Isesi. cartouche of king Djed-Ka-Re (Isesi)

You also say to My Majesty: never before has such a (pygmy) been brought back by any of those who have visited the land of Yam. It is said that, each year, you accomplish that which your royal Lord wishes and praises. You pass your days and your nights thinking of doing that which your Lord wishes, praises and commands. So My Majesty will act such that the numerous and excellent honours which are yours shall also please the sons of your son for eternity and that men will say, when they hear what my Majesty has done for you“ is there any parallel to that which was done for the Sole Companion Harkhuf when he came back from the land of Yam, because of the diligence with which he carried out that which his Lord wished, praised and commanded.?”

Come back, then, to the north, to the Residence. Leave (everything) and bring with you the pygmy which you have brought from the land of the inhabitants of the horizon, alive, in good health and strong so that he may dance for the God and make cheerful and rejoicing the heart of the king of Upper and Lower Egypt, Neferkare- may he live eternally!

If you come with him in the ship, set well-advised men about him on both sides of the boat and take care that he does not fall in the water. If he lies down to sleep during the night, have wise men to sleep beside him in his tent; go and check, ten times in the night. Because My Majesty wishes to see this pygmy more than all the tributes of Sinai or Punt.

If you reach the Residence and the pygmy is with you, alive, in good health and strong, My Majesty will do great things for you, more important than those which were done for the treasurer of the God, Bawerded, in the time of the king Isesi, according to the desire which My Majesty has to see this famous pygmy. Orders have been sent to the chief of the new town, Sole Companion and steward of the priests to command that victuals be taken by his care in every warehouse town and in every temple, without exception.

The many stories and fables of Gnomes, Fairies, Trolls, Leprechauns, and little people, are often the depictions of the presences of Ancient Twa Peoples who remained in Europe.

The First Elves

Zwarte Piet/ Pieten(Black Pete) is a character who has deep roots in traditional Dutch and Netherlands folklore. He appears in The Netherlands as a Spanish Moor (common to southern Holland in the 1500s), in caricature, as a Black man, with gold earrings and colorful period costumes of a Spanish Moor.
The story goes that Zwarte Piet chose to work with Saint Nicholas as his Navigator, Weather Forecaster, Time/Space Continuum Engineer and magical accompaniment. Since the 18th century in Holland, he has been depicted as a companion to Saint Nicholas in all of his holiday travels. Zwarte Pieten is today commonly depicted as a black person in the colorful pantaloons, feathered cap and ruffles of a Renaissance Moor, This character and tradition was later recorded in a children's book published in 1850. Zwarte Pieten is often portrayed as a mischievous but rarely mean-spirited character, the character is believed to have been derived from Bes the spirit pagan after his traditions. Nowadays, Zwarte Pieten has become a much more respected assistant of Saint Nicholas, still often humorous, self determined, magical and playful. 
Currently, the media is presenting articles about the many Black people who are protesting the public displays of Zwarte Piet by Dutch people wearing "blackface" and moorish styled costumes. So now the Dutch, meet Globalization –We now exist in a global world and that means we have to expand our knowledge about other cultures and peoples that make up diverse societies. The festival of Black Pete does, appear to be the glaring elephant in the room in the face of the invasion of South Africa by the Dutch!.. I now reflect back as a child living in Germany, people were so fascinated by us when they saw us at public Shopping districts. They would sometimes approach me and touch my skin… Seeing us must have brought back childhood memories of Black Pete. Understanding that the depiction of Moors and Moorish people in Europe has been slanted as one of servitude, now there are more Black citizens in Europe that live as equals and in authority, all over Europe.
The History of the Moors in Spain goes back to a successful harmony of rulership for almost 1000 years.
Black Europeans were actually still in existence, living as Original peoples, up to their discovery by Nazis, who gave them the choice of sterilization or incarceration in a death camp.
Actually Black Pete was free to voluntarily work with SinterKlass. He had the upper hand over his counterpart, and was the essential agent in the success of this operation for children. Yet the perpetuation of the depiction of servitude, (which reinforces the idea that Black people should be always in that role,) together with the horrible history and tradition of black face in the US, means that it is time to revisit some of the old traditions and change them. It does matter that the tradition of black face was most prominent and therefore most hurtful in the United States. But as with all things, we must find the balance between honoring what is important and adapting to the needs to respect the human dignity of all. If we wish to remember or honor the tradition of "Black Pete", then let him be portrayed by willing black actors/celebrants and as the willing friend of Sinterklaas that he is, and not a comic figure, slave or buffoon. I know that he has been portrayed by Dutch for countless generations in black face, as a celebration for children, of a long forgotten historical person, most likely a Moor. However, the time for black face anywhere has come to an end.

Zwarte Piet (pronounced ['zÊ‹É‘rtÉ™ pit], "Black Pete") is the companion of Saint Nicholas (DutchSinterklaas from which the American figure of Santa Claus is derived) in the folklore of the Low Countries. In its modern form, the character is commonly depicted as a blackamoor, with blackface make-up, and dressed in stylized colourful Renaissance attire, akin to Maures in European heraldry, and similar to Moorish characters in the "Moors and Christians" Iberian folk festivals commemorating the Reconquista.

Friday, August 31, 2012

Natural Bug Spray That You Can Grow In Your Garden


9 Natural Essential Oils That Can Kill And Repel Bugs

Having unwanted insects in your home can be disturbing. Roaches for example, can also be extremely annoying, and can even be hazardous to our health. Knowing the best essential oils that repel roaches can help you get rid of these unwanted house guests without using toxic chemicals that can cause harm to your children and pets. Essential oils are a go-to source to naturally repel roaches, and they’re definitely cheaper than hiring an exterminator.

Finding roaches in your home is never fun, and getting rid of them can be quite the chore. Many commercial roach repellents and insect repellents contain poisonous ingredients that are toxic to our entire households. Fortunately, there are natural, safe ways to rid your home of roaches and keep them from coming back. Using essential oils that repel roaches is an effective alternative to noxious, synthetic formulas (1). Essential oils are safe to use around your family and pets, are free of synthetic fragrances.

Roaches are generally looked upon as being dirty and for a good reason. They can rapidly spread germs and bacteria and can trigger allergies and asthma. Roaches are cold-blooded and can live without food for up to a month and water for up to a week. The most common species and the ones that you might see around your home are the German roache, the American roaches, and the brown-banded roach. But there are more than 4,000 species of cockroaches worldwide. Roaches are truly adaptable creatures that make repelling them a bit tricky.Natural Tricks To Get Rid Of Cockroaches

9 Best Essential Oils That Can Kill And Repel Roaches

1. Cypress Oil

Cypress oil is one of the top essential oils that repel roaches. This powerful essential oil is valued because of its ability to fight infections, aid the respiratory system, and remove toxins from the body. The smell of Cypress oil can repel cockroaches. Cypress essential oil can be used against American roaches and their young. Spraying a well diluted mixture of the right oils can serve as a good way to repel roaches.

2. Peppermint Oil

A previous research study found, peppermint is one of the most effective essential oils that repel roaches. But It only acts as a repellent when used properly. Even, if you do not use it properly, it can also become a poor roach repellent. Spraying a well diluted mixture of peppermint essential oil, with water and soap, can serve as a good way to repel roaches. The solution should contact the head and the abdomen. Soapy water forms a thin film on the skin and impedes breathing, thereby suffocating the roaches to death.

3. Tea Tree Oil

Among the qualities of tea tree oil is it’s ability to be used as an insect repellent and natural insecticide against numerous pests, including roaches, ants, and other biting or stinging insects. Tea Tree oil has even been known to be used to effectively kill lice and other parasites. Experiments on “concentrated” tea tree oil and roaches have shown that it can effectively kill these bugs and other insects. Mix a quarter cup of tea tree oil and a quarter cup of vinegar with two cups of water. Spray the mixture in and around the infested locations.

4. Clove Oil

Clove oil is another effective essential oils that repel roaches but be careful with clove oil and use it sparingly. Clove oil in its purest form is a strong skin irritant, and should not come in contact directly to your skin. Dilute clove oil with distilled water, using the same 10 to 1 ratio, and pour the solution into a plastic spray bottle. Clove oil is a natural roach repellent – they simply hate the smell of it. Roaches breathe through their skin, so when the spray gets on the roach, it will suffocate them.

5. Citrus Essential Oil

Citrus essential oil is primarily citric acid. This oil is used as the base ingredient in many natural pest control treatments. The citric acid melts the exoskeletons of the roaches, and destroys any eggs they’ve laid. Thus, citrus oil is a very potent essential oil that repels roaches naturally. Mix a few drops of citrus oil into 1 liter of water. Put in a spray bottle and do spraying on all parts of the house and corner of your home and directly on roaches.

6. Neem Essential Oil

Neem essential oil has a special place in Indian homes for its multiple benefits. Considered by the people of India to be sacred, the legendary Neem tree has come to symbolize good health and protection. For thousands of years, parts of the Neem tree have been used for its medicinal and insecticidal properties. Neem contains azadirachtin which kills many insects including roaches. Spray a solution made of equal parts of neem oil and water to get rid of them.

7. Orange Essential Oil

The essential oil of orange has a wide variety of domestic, industrial, and medicinal uses. Orange essential oil is quite strong as it can wipe out entire colonies of insects. Orange oil contains an extract from the peel called d-limonene, which is rated as an insecticide. It can dissolve the exoskeleton of these insects causing them to die of dehydration and lack of air. You can make an orange oil repellent spray by simply diluting it in water.

8. Eucalyptus Essential Oil

Eucalyptus oil has a very strong odor so it is good to ward off roaches. Eucalyptus is one of the essential oils that repel roaches not only because of its strong odor, but it’s also an unfamiliar smell, it’s often perceived as being hazardous to roaches. Roaches are killed on contact with eucalyptus oil. Add one-quarter teaspoon eucalyptus oil to a cup of water in a spray bottle, shaking well before each use as the oil will separate from the water. Spray around infected areas and directly onto roaches.

9. Lemongrass Essential Oil

Roaches cause many harmful diseases like typhoid. Lemongrass is loaded with antifungal, insecticidal, antiseptic, and anti-inflammatory properties. It can kill bacteria externally making it especially good for repelling roaches. Roaches can’t stand the smell of lemongrass, which means that it’s especially good for keeping them out of your home.

DIY Natural Bug Spray is Better for YOU

Essential Oils That Repel Roaches Recipes

Cypress Essential Oil And Peppermint Essential Oil Roach Repellent

Mix half a cup of salt water along with eight drops of cypress oil and ten drops of peppermint oil. Pour this solution into an empty glass spray bottle and spray near the usual areas where you see roaches in your home.

Minty Peppermint Mint Essential Oil Roach Repellent

Add 15 drops of mint essential oil and 10 drops of peppermint to one cup of water and mix it well. Add to glass bottle and spray everywhere you have seen roaches in your home. Keep spraying at least once a week to make sure the roaches do not return.

Clove Essential Oil And Citrus Essential Oil Roach Repellent

mix a few of clove essential oil and citrus essential a liter of water and pour into a glass spray bottle. Spray this generously around your home. The odor will make sure that the roaches leave your home to avoid the strong smell.

Always use caution when using essential oils. Makes sure you use a glass spray bottle. To use the best essential oils that repel roaches, it’s important to choose 100% pure essential oils with no additives or adulterants. If you’ve tried the natural route, but those pesky roaches in your kitchen keeps growing, it may be time to take a more aggressive approach.

Kandaki-Ma Nuta Beqsu (Adenike Amen-Ra)

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Ma'at is the Kemetic, Principal, and philosophy of Order, Justice, Reciprocity, and Balance. She is known for the 42-177 Virtuous Laws. (These laws were refined to the 10 Mosaic laws, better known as the 10 Commandments. Maat is adorned with Eagle wings on her arms, an Ostrich feather as her crown, and a scale to weigh the heart of an initiate against her feather for it's purity.